Annual Report 2020
Sustainability at Bittium in 2020
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The megatrends affecting the business

A megatrend that has a huge effect on Bittium´s operations is digitalization, the different manifestations of which create both business threats and business opportunities.

Rapid technological development as an enabler of digitalization

The rise of embedded software, the management of complex systems, and the rapid development of technology create opportunities to provide added value to Bittium´s customers. To maintain competitive edge, Bittium must continue intensifying the in-house technological development.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The growing importance of IoT requires the integration of operating processes and secure IoT solutions to achieve efficiency advantages. The tools and approaches used in developing Bittium´s operations include robotic process and testing automation as well as data visualization. The company develops challenging IoT solutions with high information security requirements for its customers.

Digitalization and the ageing population

The ageing of the population and population growth make the digitalization of health care crucial for maintaining the productivity and coverage of services. Remote monitoring, wireless solutions, new home-based care methods as well as faster and more efficient health data analysis are among the technological solutions Bittium has developed for its customers.

Information security

The progress of digitalization and technologies brings with it an increase in information security threats. Cyber security is one of the most significant threats associated with digitalization. Stricter information security and regulatory requirements are reflected in the operations of the company and its customers. The requirements are also expanding to cover new sectors and applications, and the importance of information security certification is growing. Bittium recognizes these rapidly increasing sector-specific requirements and keeps itself on the leading edge of the industry in responding to them.